Internal order 2025
Publication of internal orders in accordance with Section 11(9) of Cooperation Agreement KoV XIII.1
Long-distance network operators in Germany are obligated in accordance with Section 11(9) of Cooperation Agreement (KoV XI) to publish on its website the capacity information for the internal orders of their directly downstream network operators per network coupling point or exit zone for the respective following ordering year along with the name of the downstream network operator.
The publication is carried out in accordance with the level of information on the basis of the current ordering procedure and the information provided by the respective downstream network operator. If a conversion of initially interruptible agreed capacities into capacities which are fixed permanently or for a limited time was carried out after 15 October, the publication will be promptly corrected. Capacity adjustments during the current ordering year in accordance with Section 15 of the Cooperation Agreement, in contrast, do not lead to an update.
A review of the correctness of the announcement of the aggregated values of the estimated shares of the protected ultimate consumers as well as the performance values of system-relevant gas power plants is not possible for the upstream long-distance network operators.