Publication of information according to Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC TAR)
According to Section 30 of the network code on rules regarding harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas (Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460) European transmission system operators have to publish several information on their websites. Here you can find an overview of these information.
Publication requirements according Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC TAR) (as of 28 May 2024, updated as of 29 January 2025) |
Description |
Information |
Information to be published before the annual yearly capacity auction (Art. 29 NC TAR) |
Art. 29 (a) |
information on firm standard capacity products (reserve prices, multiplier, seasonal factors,…) |
Tariffs for firm standard capacity products: For the justification of the level of multipliers, we refer to BNetzA Decision BK9-23/612 ("MARGIT 2025"). |
Art. 29 (b) |
information on interruptible standard capacity products (reserve prices, assessment of the probability of interruption) |
Tariffs for interruptible standard capacity products: In attachment I of BNetzA Decision BK9-23/612 ("MARGIT 2025") the Federal Network Agency has specified the level of the discounts for interruptible capacity at interconnection points. The methodology to calculate these discounts is described in Section 6 of MARGIT 2025. The methodology to calculate discounts for interruptible capacity at other than interconnections points, inter alia storage points, is specified in BNetzA Decision BK9-24/608 ("BEATE 2.1"). Hereby, the probability of interruption is derived from the data of the last three gas years of the respective entry or exit point and is calulated as the ratio between the sum of interrupted capacity booked on an interruptible basis on each day to the sum of interruptible capacity marketed on these days. The probability of interruption is rounded up to full percentage and increased by a safety margin of 10% points for other than interconnection points, which represents the forecast uncertainty. The applicable discount corresponds to the probability of interruption regardless of the product duration. This corresponds to the safety margins at interconnection points according to MARGIT 2025. There has been no interruption at the points according to BEATE 2.1; the discount for interruptible capacity at these points amounts to 10%. For the discount for interruptible capacity in the calender year 2025 we refer to attachment I of MARGIT 2025. The data to calculate the discounts have been published during the consultation. |
Publication requirements according Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC TAR) (as of 2 December 2024, updated as of 29 January 2025) |
Description |
Information |
Information to be published before the tariff period (Art. 30 NC TAR) |
Art. 30 (1a) i) |
technical capacity at entry and exit points and associated assumptions |
Not applicable (N/A) |
Art. 30 (1a) ii) |
forecasted contracted capacity at entry and exit points and associated assumptions |
All used input parameters (especially capacity forecasts) are contained in the simplified tariff model. |
Art. 30 (1a) iii) |
the quantity and the direction of the gas flow for entry and exit points and associated assumptions, such as demand and supply scenarios for the gas flow under peak conditions |
Not applicable (N/A) |
Art. 30 (1a) iv) |
the structural representation of the transmission network with an appropriate level of detail |
Not applicable (N/A) |
Art. 30 (1a) v) |
additonal technical information about the transmission network, such as the length and the diameter of pipelines and the power of compressor stations |
Not applicable (N/A) |
Art. 30 (1b)(i) |
the allowed or target revenue, or both, of the transmission system operator |
Allowed revenue 2025: 266,460,827 € |
Art.30 (1b) (ii) |
the information related to changes in the revenue referred to in point (i) from one year to the next year |
The change in the allowed revenues in 2025 compared to the allowed revenues in 2024 is mainly due to a sharp decline in the permanently non-influenceable costs due to the significantly lower addition to pension provisions, which is partially offset by increases in other cost components (inflation of influenceable costs from cost base, capital cost addition, regulatory account) and an increase in biogas costs. |
Art.30 (1b) (iii) (1) |
types of assets included in the regulated asset base and their aggregated value |
Types of regulated assets (see Annex 1 of GasNEV): I. General installations II. Gas container III. Compressor stations IV.Pipelines/ House connection pipelines V. Measuring, control and metering installations VI. Remote control installations Total regulated asset base of cost base year 2020: 579,900,633 € |
Art.30 (1b) (iii) (2) |
cost of capital and its calculation methodology |
Cost of capital in the cost base year 2020: 48,012,351 € The methodology of calculating the cost of capital are determined in sections 6-8 GasNEV. |
Art.30 (1b) (iii) (3) |
capital expenditures, including: |
a) methodologies to determine the initial value of assets |
The procurement and manufacturing costs of the assets are calculated according to section 255 HGB. |
b) methodologies to re-evaluate the assets |
There is no re-evaluation of assets foreseen in the German incentive regulation. |
c) explanations of the evolution of the value of the assets |
The assets are depreciated on a linear basis in accordance with Section 6 (5) GasNEV in conjunction with the Federal Network Agency's determination of imputed useful lives for natural gas pipeline infrastructure (‘KANU’) dated 8 November 2022.The depreciation periods are set in Annex 1 GasNEV, but can be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the mentioned ‘KANU’ determination. |
d) depreciation periods and amounts per asset type |
Depreciation periods and amounts per asset type: I. General installations 3-70 years (no depreciation for land) amount in cost base year 2020: 5,085,101 € II. Gas container 45-55 years amount in cost base year 2020: 0 € III. Compressor stations 20-60 years amount in cost base year 2020: 3,915,181 € IV. Pipelines/ House connection pipelines 30-65 years amount in cost base year 2020: 15,667,718 € V. Measuring, control and metering installations 8-60 years amount in cost base year 2020: 7,565,490 € VI. Remote control installations 15-20 years amount in cost base year 2020: 0 € |
Art.30 (1b) (iii) (4) |
operational expenditures |
Operational expenditures of cost base year 2020: 94,998,634 € |
Art.30 (1b) (iii) (5) |
incentive mechanisms and efficiency targets |
German transmission system operators are subject to the incentive regulation system. The incentive system and the efficiency targets are set out in §§ 12-16 ARegV. The revenue cap of a transmission system operator (TSO) that is determined for a regulatory period with a duration of 5 years is based on the costs incurred at the TSO in the base year (year 3 before the new regulatory period) and that were checked by the regulatory authority. Moreover, an efficiency benchmark is conducted between the TSO and, based on their cost and structure parameters, individual company efficiency values are calculated. Possible inefficiencies are to be rectified over the duration of a regulatory period. Furthermore, the regulatory authority calculates a general sector productivity factor that is consistently applied to all TSO. BNetzA has not yet determined a final value for the general sectoral productivity factor for the fourth regulatory period. Based on the consultation, a value of 0.75 % is emerging. The individual company efficiency value for the third regulatory period (2018-2022) amounts to 100% for Thyssengas. Since the BNetzA has not yet determined a final value for the fourth regulatory period, the value from the third regulatory period was used initially. |
Art.30 (1b) (iii) (6) |
inflation indices |
The inflation index is yielded from the specifications of section 8 ARegV. The value VPIt in the formula of annex 1 ARegV for the revenue cap 2025 is set by the published value for 2023 of Statistisches Bundesamt and amounts to 116.7. The value of the base year (VPI0) in the formula of annex 1 ARegV is set by the published value for 2020 of Statistisches Bundesamt. The figure for the year 2020 is 100.0. |
Art. 30 (1b) (iv) |
the transmission services revenue |
Transmission services revenue 2025: 235,546,098 € |
Art. 30 (1b) (v) |
the following ratios for the revenue referred to in point (iv): |
(1) capacity-commodity split, meaning the breakdown between the revenue from capacity-based transmission tariffs and the revenue from commodity-based transmission tariffs |
Capacity-commodity split in %: 100/0 |
(2) entry-exit split, meaning the breakdown between the revenue from capacity-based transmission tariffs at all entry points and the revenue from capacity-based transmission tariffs at all exit points |
Entry-Exit-Split in the market area Trading Hub Europe in %: 30.5 entry/69.5 exit |
(3) intra-system/cross-system split, meaning the breakdown between the revenue from intra-system network use at both entry points and exit points and the revenue from cross-system network use at both entry points and exit points calculated as set out in Article 5 |
Split in the market area Trading Hub Europe: intra-system network use: 90.74 % cross-system network use: 9.26 % In connection with the consultation according to Art. 26 NC TAR the Federal Network Agency carried out a cost allocation test. The results including a valuation have been published on the website of the Federal Network Agency during the formal procedure of REGENT 2021 for the market area Trading Hub Europe (BK9-19/610): |
Art. 30 (1b) (vi) |
where and to the extent that transmission system operator functions under a non-price cap regime, the following information related to the previous tariff period on regarding the reconciliation of the regulatory account: |
(1) the actually obtained revenue, the under-or over-recovery of the allowed revenue and the part thereof attributed to the regulatory account and, if applicable, sub-accounts within such regulatory account |
Actual obtained revenue from transmission and non-transmission services 2023: 261,656,900 € Aggregated balance of the regulatory account (balanced receivable) of the closed financial year 2023: 61,659,108 € |
(2) the reconciliation period and the incentive mechanisms implemented |
Reconciliation of the regulatory account for the concluded business year 2023 will be determined as of 31.12.2024 and it will be reconciled in equal instalments – including interest payments – over 3 calendar years. The reconciliation begins the year after next after the application was submitted. Incentive mechanisms specifically for the regulatory account do not exist in the German regulatory system. |
Art. 30 (1b) (vii) |
the intended use of the auction premium |
Auction revenues are booked on the regulatory account in accordance with Article 5 ARegV. This transaction thus develops a tariff-reducing effect in the years in which the regulatory account is reconciled. In accordance with the explanations of the BNetzA in the information paper for transmission system operators on the publication of tariffs in accordance with Art. 29, 31 and 32 of Regulation (EU) No. 2017/460 ("NC TAR") of 31.05.2024, the auction premium already achieved for the year 2025 that can be forecast on the basis of a best possible estimate, e.g. on the basis of reliable knowledge from previous annual auctions, are used to reduce the tariff. |
Art. 30 (1c) |
the following information on transmission and non-transmission tariffs, accompanied by the relevant information related to their derivation: |
Art.30 (1c) (i) |
where applied, commodity-based transmission tariffs related to in Article 4(3) |
Not applicable (N/A) |
Art.30 (1c) (ii) |
where applied, non-transmission tariffs for non-transmission services referred to in Article 4(4) |
According to BNetzA decision BK9-17/609 (Festlegung ‘INKA’), the non-transmission services are set to metering operation, meter reading, biogas levy according to §20b GasNEV as well as market area conversion levy according to §19a Abs. 1 EnWG. The non-transmission service tariffs valid as of 01.01.2025 are published in the price sheets. Derivation of Biogas levy In accordance with number 6 BNetzA decision BK9-19/619 ("REGENT 2021") the Biogas levy according to section 20b GasNEV is classified as non-transmission service. The derivation of Biogas levy is described in section 7 of the Cooperation Agreement between the Operators of Gas Supply Networks in Germany as of 22 March 2024 (valid from 1 October 2024). According to this, all biogas costs of 2025 in Germany in the amount of 303.1 million € are divided by all forecasted contracted capacity for TSO exit points to DSO and end consumers (without consideration of multipliers or seasonal factors) of 2025 in the amount of 287,526,485 (kWh/h)/a. Hence, the biogas levy is 1.0542 €/(kWh/h)/a. Derivation of Market area conversion levy In accordance with number 5 BNetzA decision BK9-19/610 ("REGENT 2021") the Market area conversion levy according to section 19a(1) Energy Industry Act is classified as non-transmission service. The derivation of Market area conversion levy is described in section 10 of the Cooperation Agreement between the Operators of Gas Supply Networks in Germany as of 22 March 2024 (valid from 1 October 2024). According to this, all market area conversion costs of 2025 in the amount of 193.0 million € are divided by all forecasted contracted capacity for TSO exit points to DSO and end consumers (without consideration of multipliers or seasonal factors) of 2025 in the amount of 287,526,485 (kWh/h)/a. Hence, the market area conversion levy is 0.6713 €/(kWh/h)/a. Derivation of tariffs for meter operation and meter reading In accordance with number 7 BNetzA decision BK9-19/610 ("REGENT 2021") meter operation and metering is classified as non-transmission service. With regard to § 15 Section 7 GasNEV Thyssengas raises tariffs for meter operation and metering at exit points at which Thyssengas provides the respective service. According to the respective service the tariffs for meter operation and metering depend on Thyssengas being or not being the owner of the measuring station (meter operation) as well as the measuring station being RLM od SLP (metering). They are published as annex to the price sheet on the Thyssengas website. |
Art.30 (1c) (iii) |
the reference prices and other prices applicable at points other than those referred to in Article 29 |
Within its decision REGENT 2021 the Federal Network Agency has determined the application of a postage stamp for the market area Trading Hub Europe (THE). Hereafter, the revenues from transmission services are to be divided by the forecasted capacities at all entry and exit points for the respective calendar year. |
Art.30 (2) |
In addition, the following information shall be published with regard to transmission tariffs: |
Art. 30 (2a) (i) |
an explanation of the following: the difference in the level of transmission tariffs for the same type of transmission service applicable for the prevailing tariff period and for the tariff period for which the information is published |
The postage stamp of the entry-exit system Trading Hub Europe will increase by 1.61 €/(kWh/h)/a in 2025 compared to the tariff in 2024. This change is based on regular tariff adjustments taking into account changes of the input parameters allowed revenues and forecasts of contracted capacity of the transmission system operators involved. |
Art.30 (2a) (ii) |
an explanation of the following: the estimated difference in the level of transmission tariffs for the same type of transmission service applicable for the tariff period for which the information is published and for each tariff period within the remainder of the regulatory period |
In order to fulfil the publication requirements, the former approach of the BNetzA (Appendix 5 of REGENT 2021 decision) was continued to forecast the tariffs on an indicative basis. According to this, an increase in the charge would be expected in 2026. It should be noted that the calculations depend on assumptions that are currently very difficult to forecast. Accordingly, the forecast should be interpreted as merely indicative to fulfil the publication requirements. For inflation, the values stated by the BNetzA in the document "Notes for transmission system operators on the publication of charges pursuant to Articles 29, 31 and 32 of Regulation (EU) No. 2017/460" were used. Furthermore, the value from the third regulatory period was used for the general sectoral productivity factor, as the BNetzA has not yet determined a final value for the fourth regulatory period. Further assumptions on the development of the forecast capacities and the annual development of the permissible revenues can be made directly by the user in the model. Simplified tariff model according to Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC TAR) |
Art. 30 (2)(b) |
information on the reference price methodology used in the tariff year 2022 including a simplified tariff model |
Simplified tariff model according to Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC TAR) |
Art.30 (3) |
for the points excluded from the definition of relevant points referred to in point 3.2(1)(a) of Annex 1 to Regulation (EC) No 715/2009, the information on the amount of forecasted contracted capacity and the forecasted quantity of the gas flow shall be published as set out in point 3.2(2) of Annex 1 to Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 |
Forecasted contracted capacity at points not being relevant according to point 3.2(1)(a) of Annex 1 to Regulation (EC) No 715/2009: 22,061,281 kWh/h. The forecasted quantity of the gas flow is not relevant for the tariff determination. |