Interconnection- and crossborderpoints
Interconnection- and crossborderpoints under section 40 (1) of the german gas grid access regulations, GasNZV
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Information for shippers according to Commission Regulation 2015/703 (NC interoperability)
According to the NC Interoperability, Thyssengas has concluded interconnection agreements at the market area and cross border interconnection points. Thyssengas also has received the approval to continue existing data exchange solutions.
1. Interconnection agreements
At the market area interconnection points Thyssengas has concluded interconnection agreements with the adjacent transmission system operators. The interconnection agreements include agreements about an operating balancing account and ensure the allocation of gas quantities according to the rule „allocated as nominated“. The interconnection agreements establish the lesser rule in terms of matching. Communication procedures in case of exceptional events are regulated in section 54 Cooperation Agreement between Operators of Gas Networks in Germany as amended on 30 June 2015 (“KoV VIII”). Communication with shippers in these cases is regulated in section 34 General Terms and Conditions for Entry and Exit Contract (Entry-Exit-System) of Thyssengas GmbH.
The interconnection agreements at the cross border interconnection points establish the lesser rule in terms of matching and an operational balancing account for the allocation of steering differences. In case the defined limits of these operational balancing account are reached and the adjacent system operators cannot agree upon an extension of the defined limits, a pro-rata allocation of gas quantities to shippers based on the measured quantity could be the consequence. The interconnection agreements also establish rules for the communication procedures in case of exceptional events. Communication with shippers in these cases is regulated in section 34 General Terms and Conditions for Entry and Exit Contract (Entry-Exit-System) of Thyssengas GmbH.
2. Approval to continue existing data exchange solutions acc. to Art. 23 Abs. 2 NC Interoperability
On 12th April 2016 the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) approved that transmission system operators and their concerned counterparties are allowed to continue the use of existing data exchange solutions, i.e. data format “EDIFACT” and protocol “AS2” until the 31st January 2018. The approval can be consulted on the website of Bundesnetzagentur