Consultation of Regulations of Interconnection Agreement “VIP TTF-THE-L” regarding Matching, Allocation and Communication Process
According to 19 (9) Article of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 (CAM NC) transmission system operators shall offer available capacities of interconnection points connecting the same two adjacent entry-exit systems at one virtual interconnection point to provide one single capacity service as defined in Article 3 No. 23 CAM NC.
(Citation Article 19 (9) sentence 1 CAM NC for information:
“Where two or more interconnection points connect the same two adjacent entry-exit systems, the adjacent transmission system operators concerned shall offer the availa-ble capacities at the interconnection points at one virtual interconnection point.“)
By the contractual agreement between the transmission system operators regarding the virtual interconnection point “VIP TTF-THE-L“ also regulations will be agreed for the matching, allocation and communication process. You can find said regulations here.
Considering that transmission system operators must invite network users to comment on these three topics according to Article 4 (2) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/703 of 30 April 2015 (INT NC), Thyssengas would like to give its network users the opportunity to pro-vide their comments also to this designated VIP Agreement.
(Citation Article 4 (2) INT NC for information:
“Before concluding or amending an interconnection agreement which contains rules re-ferred to in Article 3(c), (d) and (e), transmission system operators shall invite network users to comment on the proposed text of those rules at least two months before the agreement is concluded or amended. The transmission system operators shall take the network users‘ comments into account when concluding or amending their interconnec-tion agreement.“
If your company uses capacities at the interconnection points VIP-TTF-NCG-L or Zevenaar or plans to use capacities at VIP TTF-THE-L in the future, you will be given the opportunity to send us your remarks, objections and proposals on the rules for matching, allocation and communication procedures. Please send your answer to mailbox by 13 September 2021.