New uniform postage stamp tariff for the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area from 1 January 2025
For the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area the transmission system operators have determined the uniform tariff from 1 January 2025 on the basis of the Federal Network Agency’s (BNetzA) REGENT 2021 decision.
On 27 May 2024, Thyssengas published this uniform network tariff. The annual tariff for firm, freely allocable entry and exit capacity will be 6.71 EUR/(kWh/h)/a applicable from 1 January 2025.
Compared to 2024, there is a major higher tariff for firm freely allocable entry and exit capacities in the THE market area.
The war in Ukraine has led to significant distortions on the European natural gas market from 2022. The current increase in tariffs can be attributed to various causes, some of which are only now emerging with a time lag and reflect the consequences of this crisis:
- High storage levels and a significant decline in end consumption and transit volumes lead to a reduced booking forecast.
- Due to the regulatory account system, the extraordinary effects from the crisis year 2022 (e.g. declines in bookings and high fuel costs) are now increasing costs with a time lag for the first time in 2025.
The diversification of supply sources by means of new LNG plants has supported security of supply and helped to dampen the commodity price. The associated investments by individual transmission system operators in new entry points and connecting pipelines for the LNG facilities are also included in the