Maintenance measures in accordance with EU Ordinance 2024/1789, Annex 1, point 3.4 (8) and § 28 Thyssengas´GTC
We will try to transport your transport volumes in the above-mentioned period according to “the best of our knowledge and ability” without any interruptions.
The download-schedule gives an overview of unavailabilities due to maintenance work of all bookable points on Thyssengas's gas transportation system, with possible contract-relevant capacity reductions in accordance with § 28 of Thyssengas´ GTC and EU Regulation 2024/1789 Annex 1. This Information will be updated in due time beforehand. In the event of any long-term scheduled maintenance work planned in advance the information will be additionally available no later than 15 business days before any such restriction occurs. No responsibility is taken for the correctness of the data and exclusions of liability of Thyssengas GmbH.
For further information please visit ENTSOG-transparency platform on: