Thyssengas – Fortschritt für die Energiewelt von morgen.

Thyssengas – Technical Executives

Thyssengas GmbH has appointed

Dr. Thomas Hügging

Segment: Network monitoring and control

Frank Rathlev

Segment: Network planning, operation, maintenance, documentation

as Technical Executives per Directive G1000 of the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW).

The Second Act to Reregulate the Energy Industry requires companies to meet certain personnel, financial and technical conditions for operation of gas supply plant in order to guarantee an energy supply that is as safe, cost-effective and environmentally compatible as possible.

Those Technical Executives have the task of ensuring a legally appropriate organisational structure and workflow to achieve a qualified approach to planning, construction, operation and maintenance of gas supply plant also observing the safety and environmental regulations. Adherence to those requirements is reviewed by the DVGW in an audit.